Carwarden House Community School

Home-School Agreement

At Carwarden House Community School we believe that by the time our students leave here they should be ambitious, articulate, caring, confident, determined, independent, resilient, respectful, responsible an successful. This is our school vision and in order to achieve that we know that children work best in a safe, secure, stimulating and challenging environment where teachers, support staff and parents work together in mutual support.

To do the best for each student we believe that there should be an agreement* between the school and the parents highlighting the key aspects of that mutual support.  Throughout this agreement, the school will promise to provide for your child’s needs in certain important ways and will guarantee to provide you with information to keep you properly informed.  In return, the school asks all parents to make a commitment on behalf of the child.  By making this mutual commitment, we believe that your child will be better supported and any problems can be more readily solved.

*This agreement has been drawn up with reference to the latest Department for Education guidance Home-school agreements- Guidance for local authorities and governing bodies (reference: DFE-00131-2013

The school's promise:

  • We will welcome and encourage parents’ interest and involvement in all aspects school life.
  • We will provide a safe and secure environment that works to totally eliminate intimidation, bullying, racism and inappropriate language.
  • We will ensure that there is a planned programme of work suitable to meet the individual needs of your child.
  • We will give formative feedback in various ways regularly to your child on their work.
  • We will provide opportunities for you to discuss your child’s progress with the teachers concerned.
  • We will deal with problems calmly and fairly, having listened to your child’s point of view.
  • We will inform you by telephone as soon as possible about any problems or difficulties of a more serious nature.
  • We will work with you if there is a problem with attendance, punctuality, or equipment.
  • We will contact you if there is a problem with transport arrangements.
  • We will take account of your views about your child’s needs.
  • We will provide a written report about your child’s progress each year and provide opportunities for that report to be discussed through the EHCP annual review process.
  • We will provide access to home learning activities for your child to complete at home with parental support.

Form Tutor:               

Signed ………………  
Date ……………….


Signed ………………. 
Date ……………….

In order for us to do our best we would welcome your support in the following areas:

  • Ensuring that your child attends school unless prevented from doing so by illness or other agreed reason.
  • Ensuring that your child is ready and waiting at the agreed transport pick up point at the agreed time.
  • Informing the school if your child is not well enough to attend.
  • Providing the school with emergency telephone numbers and informing us without delay if they change.
  • Completing the consent forms to allow us to administer prescribed medication to your child in school if required, and ensuring the school has sufficient medication to administer the required dosage.
  • Ensure your child comes to school in the agreed school uniform.
  • Naming all items of school clothing including PE kit.
  • Attending termly consultation meetings with teachers and to attend other such meetings called by the school to discuss the welfare, discipline, or work of your child.
  • Supporting the completion of homeworking, including reading and spelling tasks, set for your child.
  • Supporting the school in our stand against intimidation, bullying, racism and inappropriate language.
  • Supporting the school behaviour policies.


Signed ………………………………..
Date ……………….

NAME (Please print) ………………………………




Home-School Partnership