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Carwarden House Community School

  • Ambitious
  • Inclusive
  • Inspiring

Learning for life, independence and employment

Welcome to Carwarden House Community School

What is it like to attend this school?

This is what Ofsted told us in May 2023:

"Pupils love this school and its community feel. Pupils’ individual needs are met well. The strong relationships pupils have with staff make them feel happy and safe.

When asked what the best thing about the school is, one pupil reflected the views of many, telling the lead inspector, ‘The staff are very nice to us.’ Staff help pupils to improve their social skills, teaching them how to interact with others so  pupils develop positive friendships and behave well

High expectations of pupils’ learning and behaviour permeate Carwarden House. There are no barriers to what staff expect pupils to achieve. Staff are relentless in their pursuit to ensure that all pupils enter further education, training or employment, and become successful, happy and independent young adults.

Many older pupils love the chance they have to do work experience and attend college as part of their educational offer. For example, some pupils are working in hotels, supermarkets and food outlets. Others are following courses in hair and beauty, and engineering at a local college".

  • Parent Testimonials

    Hear a parent view

    Thank you SO much for absolutely everything with my son so far. If I could tell you how he was doing mentally and emotionally, I don't think you would believe me but everyone around him is seeing an incredible difference in him. I thought the after affects of the past year would take some work but he is happy, his confidence is growing and he wants to be around people again! So thank you again.

  • Parent Testimonials

    Hear a parent view

     Just thought you would like to see my son doing our daily exercises this morning.

     When I think back to 18 months ago when he would not get up from his chair, it is so lovely to see how he is getting so independent and happy with following our routines.


  • Parent Testimonials

    Hear a parent view

     I’m so thrilled to see how well my son has settled in. I am seeing a real impact on him and his independence, and how he approaches his learning and homework. He still needs a bit of encouragement to get started but his motivation to get it done and willingness to do it is all new. 

  • ParentTestimonals

    Hear a parent view

    Thank you so much for everything this term. He’s also really settled and happy and he loves school. It’s been so much smoother than what I expected and I love how you’ve set your expectations high for him - I think it’s really empowering him.
