Carwarden House Community School

Pupil Premium

The government provides additional funding to schools called the Pupil Premium (PP) for all students who receive free school meals (FSM). This is used by the school to help narrow any disadvantage gap by addressing inequalities and raising the attainment for those students in low-income families.  We aim to extend the positive impact of all available resources to the largest number of our students as possible.  Schools are free to spend this additional funding as they choose to raise the achievement of students. Schools are required to publish details of how they will be spending the money.

Below you will find the annual reports detailing the strategies and interventions we have funded through Pupil Premium funding and our assessment of the impact of those strategies.

Please refer any questions about Pupil Premium to Alex Ewen, Deputy Headteacher on


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2024 Updated Sep 2023

Pupil Premium Report 2021-2022